
I see , I feel , I wonder , I heard.

I heard the fire of the engine blast me away from the ground. I heard people talking loudly as I blast off. I saw the fire fire blast me off the ground. I saw the clouds zooming past me. I felt the rocket burn my toes. I felt my heart beating rapidly. I wonder if I would make it to the moon. I wonder if an alien would ask to be my friend

Matariki :D


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THE POWER OF YET!!!!!!!!!!!

T h e p o w e r o f …. Y E T ! I can’t speak spanish… YET ! I can’t do the splits… YET ! I can’t write a good speech YET ! Danielle


You might think your healthy but are you? Eating healthy food is good for you, but there is so much more. So how can you become the ultimate healthy you? If you are worried, annoyed, sad or hurt tell your friend, grown-up or your family member so they can help you feel better. When you are happy and cheerful celebrate and tell people how you are feeling. Eating lots of different and healthy food is a good balanced diet , having lots of different food which is is important diet. Drinking lots of water is another important thing to do. Cake , donuts , white bread and other unhealthy food is okay to eat just don't eat it all the time. To have a good personal hygiene you should , have a shower everyday ( but you don't always have to wet your hair. ) Use soap when washing your body and hands. Washing your hands before you eat and after you go to the bathroom is also very important. Don't forget to brush your teeth in the morning and befo...

Famous QUOTE!!!!!!!!!

Don't cry because it's over. S mile because it happened.    Dr. Suess

All about me :>

If I were a vehicle I would be a motorbike because I am small but fast. If I were I a building I would be a mall because I am filled with fun suprizes. If I were an animal I would be a bear because I protect my family and friends. If I were a food I would be a donut , because I am sweet and each bite is special. If I were an item of clothing I would be a road patrol jacket because I like to help people cross the road safely. If I were a country I would be New Zealand because I am proud of being a kiwi and I always will be. If I were a song I would be happy because I love to put smiles on people's faces. If I were a movie I would be despecible me because I am a minion and I like to help people.